This does not look like hurricane relief. No tarps. No emergency crates of water. But with some saplings, World Concern is providing relief that will last.
Jacmel, Haiti, has been through disaster many times, most recently enduring several hurricanes last summer.
This week, World Concern humanitarians identified families in great need in this coastal community and gave them small fruit trees to replant. Families with orchards lost their crop last year, as strong storms killed trees, plants and livestock.
Families have faced periods of hunger over the past half a year. These families don’t farm and raise livestock for fun. They do it to survive.
The tree distribution actually had some tension, as the families wanted to make sure they received trees. People wanted to know that they were going to be included in the project.
For many, it was their first time to get a chance to begin growing again. It’s a chance at trying to make it on their own – and not rely on ongoing humanitarian support.
And that’s what World Concern wants people to do. Take responsibility. We help them plant their hopes and guide them as they grow.