World Concern is a Christian humanitarian organization that empowers communities to lift themselves out of extreme poverty through activities including microfinance, agriculture, disaster response and clean water. World Concern works in 12 countries, with the goal of transforming the lives of those we touch, leading them on a path to self-sustainability. As an organization, we aim to be transparent and effective in how we help. Various staff members from our U.S. headquarters and in the field contribute to this blog, keeping you informed of the ways we’re offering hope to more than six million people worldwide.
Nick Archer is the President of World Concern.
“We have the privilege of serving some of the most vulnerable people around the world at a time when conflict and climate change are undermining people’s ability to not only provide a meaningful future for their families, but even survive,” explains Nick. “Poverty, in its myriad forms, continues to extinguish the dignity of many, rob children of their childhood, and consign people to a life without hope. Our work is to stand alongside those we serve, and reflect in what we do, how we do it, and what we say, the love and grace of God at the point of peoples’ need.”
Nick’s 40 years of acclaimed global development experience span four continents and include 22 years of service at World Concern in a myriad of different leadership roles, including Vice President, and Acting President.

Cathy Herholdt serves as World Concern’s Senior Communications Director. She has traveled to many of the countries where World Concern serves, and enjoys writing and sharing the powerful stories of the people World Concern serves around the world.