Thanksgiving is coming. Then Black Friday. Then Cyber Monday. But do you know about GivingTuesday?
Black Friday and Cyber Monday
Most of us know about Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
They’re the days after Thanksgiving when stores offer special deals to jump start holiday shopping.
And when I say special, I mean Amazing Door Buster Deals!
On Black Friday, we bust through the doors of Target or Walmart while it is still dark so we can be one of the first people in the store and buy everything on our Christmas list for 50% off (or sometimes more).
It can be exhilarating!
One year, I actually bought EVERYTHING for my nieces, nephews, and in-laws, and some things for my own kids, for less than $200 at Old Navy. I was done by 7:00 a.m. and on such a shopping high I called my husband and woke him up from a sound sleep to tell him.
I love Black Friday. It’s fun. And I love great deals.
I haven’t gotten into Cyber Monday, but I hear the online sales the Monday after Thanksgiving can be just as good or better than those in-store on Black Friday. For me, there just isn’t much of a thrill in simply opening up my computer, clicking a few keys, and waiting for packages to arrive at my doorstep.
(Actually, now that I write that down, it doesn’t sound too bad! Maybe I’ll try it this year.)
For a lot of people, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the Holy Grails of shopping.
But what about GivingTuesday?
GivingTuesday is all about AMAZING DEALS THAT MULTIPLY YOUR IMPACT when giving to those in need during the holiday season.
It’s a philanthropic answer to Black Friday and Cyber Monday—a way to get a “great deal” on charitable giving!

Are you wondering what it means to get a “great deal” on charitable gifts? Think DOUBLING your donation to help TWICE AS MANY PEOPLE. It means the money you give goes further and helps more. Some organizations (like World Concern) even let you give a gift or donation in honor of someone on your list.

Just when everyone turns their focus to holiday gifts, GivingTuesday brings the focus back to giving to people and causes beyond our immediate circle of family and friends.

GivingTuesday helps us look beyond ourselves and get creative about the presents we choose for those on our list who have everything they need.
World Concern has exciting special offers this year for GivingTuesday, and they all have matching gifts from generous donors to DOUBLE your giving. Pretty cool, right?
Click HERE to learn more and please give generously on or before GivingTuesday on December 3.