There are kids who don’t have anyone to protect them.
Alone and vulnerable, they’re more susceptible to the lies of traffickers. People who promise them good jobs, a bright future, and success, who only seek to exploit them for personal gain.
It seems promising in the moment, but before they know it, they’re trapped with no way out.
Kids as young as toddlers are being taken and sold. Abused. Coerced. Forced into prostitution.
Who will rescue them?
What if She Were Your Child?
For many parents, the idea of a child – much like their own – being taken and sold can feel terrifying.
That’s why moms, dads, and families in Western Washington are stepping up to say this is not ok.
The S.O.S. 5k gives families the opportunity to help stop child trafficking – before it even happens. Families can run, walk, or volunteer to fundraise and protect vulnerable children who don’t have the ability to protect themselves.
As one mom said, there’s “no one more vulnerable than a child without anyone to protect them.”
Why These Moms are Running to Stop Child Trafficking
Meet some of the moms who are standing up and saying ‘no’ to child trafficking.

“Doing a fundraiser to help end human trafficking forced me to stop and think about the ugly sinful capability of mankind. It forced me to realize that as I sit in the comfort of my life with three precious kids of my own, there are horrific crimes occurring against young children. It forced me to ask questions and be curious about how this crime even happens and more importantly how it can be put to an end.”
“I sat in those thoughts, angered, indignant, and uncomfortable. I felt I had to do something. In that call to action, I had the chance to bring others into that thought life, a thought life about others around the world and this despicable crime and a way to make it end.”
Read the rest of Mindy’s story, No Child Should be Sold for Sex.
“I resonate very much with the idea that we are the hands and feet of Jesus…it’s not just in and out, one and done, it’s something that continues to have an impact. It’s wonderful to know that when you’re running that money is already raised, knowing how far it can go and how many people’s lives it can touch.”

“I like to think about what this [the money we raise] could buy. This could be 100 kids protected – it can make an enormous difference within the kind of work that World Concern does!”
See what $48 can do to protect a child from trafficking.
“It had been on my heart for a long time since I first started learning about trafficking – to participate somehow, and I didn’t know how to do that. It just felt like an overwhelming problem that I didn’t know how to engage in. Learning about what World Concern is doing and the 5k being specifically about that subject, which I love because you have to address it.”

“I can’t think of anyone who is more vulnerable than a child without anyone to protect them, who is being exploited like that. These faces – I just think of what we do for our kids here. How many times would I give $48 if I could see the face of that kid? ”
It’s not ok for a child to be trafficked, exploited, and abused.
Learn more about the S.O.S. 5k and how you can come alongside families in the Greater Seattle Area to help stop child trafficking!