Five new gifts in the Global Gift Guide were added this year to support projects we saw gain traction during the past year.
Share the Gospel through these gifts
This year’s Global Gift Guide is supporting an exciting new work! The Africans to Africa program in South Sudan is vital to our goal of reaching 150,000 people for Christ by 2026. It is a great example of transformation in the countries where we work. New believers are maturing in their faith and eager to share the gospel with their neighbors.
This year in South Sudan, 24 men and women evangelists reached out to the villages around theirs. The result? The gospel was shared with 10,072 people, 700 Bibles were given, 67 churches were planted, and 8,790 new members have begun to attend.
To support this work, we’ve added the following gifts to our Global Gift Guide.

To reach their new congregations and spread the gospel to more people, the evangelists need transportation. You can give that by choosing Bicycle for an Evangelist as your gift this year. With your gift of a bicycle, an enthusiastic evangelist will be able to travel outside his or her village to share the gospel, encourage new believers, and spread the love of Jesus. Because of special matching grants, your gift will equip 2X as many evangelists with bicycles!

Our second gift is Empower an Evangelist, which gives you the opportunity to fully equip a man or woman with a bicycle, Bibles, the Jesus Film, gospel materials, training, and support. Because of matching grants, this gift also helps 2X as many evangelists!
Strengthen a growing church community with this gift

You can support a growing community of faith by helping them Build a Church. Because of your help, a village congregation will have a permanent “home” to meet in. Then, when extreme weather comes, they can meet inside and be sheltered as they fellowship. Because of special matching grants, your gift will help 2X as many congregations!
A gift that empowers families to rise above poverty

Savings Groups change the lives of men and women, and their children. These groups train members in business and finance. And now you can help! By giving a Savings Group Kit, you will provide a cash box, locks, passbooks and a ledger to a new village savings group.
With this gift, you will empower a group of women and men to begin saving money each month, preparing them for business opportunities and improving their lives. Families rise out of poverty when they have the means to invest in their own businesses, and they receive training through this gift to do that. It’s like a mini credit union! And, because of special matching grants, your gift will help 2X as many Savings groups!
Preventing disease for families in war zones

Hygiene Kits are essential for families living in war zones. This gift of soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels, oral re-hydration salts, nail clippers, laundry detergent, and treated mosquito nets keeps families healthy and free from disease. Because of special matching grants, your gift will help 2X as many families!
Give one of these gifts or choose another today by going to HERE.